Thursday, October 25, 2007

Innocence Violated (Click the title for a link to the article)

In the light of the following article which I believe needs each of our scrutiny and introspection into our lifestyles and beliefs when it comes to children. As a part of our today's culture which believes every one younger to you is a fool or more ignorant than you & that they need to respect you, how many of us have said to a kid things like shut up, idiot, stupid, good for nothing, 'you need to do it coz I said so'.

Have we ever thought that we were violating the basic human rights of these kids and hindering their development as individuals? Have we ever thought that bring them up in a 'bubble of bliss' (where parents protect until they die) is neither going to equip them to face the harsh realities of life nor is it going to make them better citizens of the society.
~How are they supposed to decipher for themselves what their rights are what exploitation is if we don't ever bring them to a world of knowledge and reality where they are able to THINK FOR THEMSELVES?

How many of us talk about how to deal with their instincts when they turn adolescents? How many of us tell them how to be comfortable with themselves when they are trying to explore themselves as they are stepping into adulthood? How many of us take these teenagers to the family doctors to explain how and what they should know about themselves?
~How are they supposed to decipher for themselves what is stimulation and what is sexual abuse if we don't ever bring them to a world of knowledge and reality where they are able to THINK FOR THEMSELVES?

As conformist & egoistic adults, we just strike down their budding love. Wouldn't it be great if we were there with & for them when they are experiencing their first ever euphoric rush of emotions as an individual.
~How are they supposed to decipher for themselves what is love and deception if we don't ever bring them to a world of knowledge and reality where they are able to THINK FOR THEMSELVES?

Imagine a world where we as family and friends are the first counselors at home where help them explore a world of all possibilities when damage control could be the greatest & they still have mom and dad to defend them when they make the small mistakes from which they can much learn than instead bursting their bubble once they attain adulthood and realize any learning is too hard to comprehend and face.

How many of us are ready to talk to a kid about the realities of life? End of the day we are hindering the quality of the 'foundation/ building blocks' of the society..."THE INDIVIDUAL". How can u expect a better family, society, state, or a country when the very foundation you are laying down are flawed in quality.

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