Thursday, October 25, 2007

Chiranjeevi's daughter marries 'filmi style' (Click this title to see the article)

This article brings to light the point on how we (Indians) bring up our kids without freedom to choose or freedom to make informed or independent decisions.

According to leading regional news papers, the film star had his daughter discontinue her college and almost house arrested her when he came to know that she was interested in someone not of his or his families choice...common sense tells me that this can only be called over-protective parenting.

Research says over protective parenting makes wimps of children and nothing more. Over protective parenting also kind of brings to light the insecure feeling that the parents have resulting in trying to protect their children more than required.

End of the day this results in a situation which is definitely not 'win - win'.

Bad parenting is nothing but a bad regard for your nation. Parenting that results in making weak individuals who aren't able to fend for themselves and the people around them will never be able to do good for their country and society at large. This over protective parenting where parents set an example to the kids in trampling their basic freedoms of choice and expression results in their kids imbibing the same choice of actions.

This vicious circle needs to be stopped. The start of a anything is from its most basic block...which in the present case is an individual.

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